I learned this when I was in the military and going to medical to get a checkup.
I’m a 5’5 male and I weighed about 160 lbs at the time with a pretty strict workout routine which consisted of weight lifting and cardio 4-5 times a week.
The corpsman that was taking my measurements and weight told me I was obese after recording my BMI, and I was shocked, but he told me not to put any thought into it.
I learned this when I was in the military and going to medical to get a checkup.
I’m a 5’5 male and I weighed about 160 lbs at the time with a pretty strict workout routine which consisted of weight lifting and cardio 4-5 times a week.
The corpsman that was taking my measurements and weight told me I was obese after recording my BMI, and I was shocked, but he told me not to put any thought into it.