With the migration, a lot of niche communities haven’t fully migrated over, if at all. For example, I wrote a few guides for the games Control, Vindictus, and Outriders (usually for like farming tips, bug fixes, etc). They helped a ton of people, but I haven’t updated them so I’m not 100% sure if they’re still up to date and noted someone could take over

What is the correct move? Should I just be transferring them to google docs, link that in the reddit post after removing its content, and then also redirect the user to the fediverse? I thought the move was to post the guide on Lemmy and link the new guide there, in the old reddit post, with more information about the fediverse

I have evidently assumed wrong because 4/5 of my guides have been deleted from c/gaming. I spent a lot of time re-writing them for Lemmy format, which is now probably lost, and thought that was acceptable; I also looked through the rules first. Like I understand in normal circumstances, for example on reddit, I shouldn’t post a guide for Control in r/gaming, but I don’t know where else to put them in the fediverse since those game-specific communities don’t exist yet

Thanks for any clarification on this. I want them to still be available to help people and then bring them here, so that I can go rewrite all my reddit comments and eventually delete the account

Edit: This might help with advice: The posts in c/gaming that were deleted were one for Outriders, and 3 for Control. They were all written out + the backup in google docs was linked. Perhaps I should have combined the Control guides all in one? The guide that stayed was the one for Vindictus, which was just an description and then link to the guide in google docs since it’s so large. The only common denominator was that the one that stayed was the one that wasn’t re-written in Lemmy, but they were all potentially not accurate anymore (patched/changes)

  • JaluvshuskiesOP
    22 years ago

    Thank you for sharing! Now I will know where to look for something like this. I thought that if I had written it, it would be valid given that I am actually trying to inform or discuss (whether they’re still accurate). I can see how it’s kind of a weird line, but then again I didn’t know what else to do as I explained in this post and it was only like 4 or 5 posts. I probably could’ve gotten away with it if I didn’t post them the same day, but maybe not

    Related - I hope that’s just a 3d ban, not permanent, right? If I read that correctly

    A gameguides community is a good idea, someone else mentioned that. I just don’t want to create that if I can’t commit to maintaining it :/

    I’m considering throwing them into !archive@lemmyworld like someone suggested. Should I xpost into c/games or is that a bad idea? (due to 1. my first reposts being deleted then banned for 3d, and 2. the guides being not necessarily still accurate). I also might condense the 3 Control guides into 1 post, since I’d be linking them to google docs, there will be a lot more space to work with

    • @darkan15
      22 years ago

      It seems to be a 3-day thing from the information on the modlog, but I would first try to talk to the moderators before trying to post on the same community again, maybe clarifying that you are the original author, and you plan to maintain/update them, or that maybe the title should not include [old guide] or something like that, and that the purpose of these post is to share information, get feedback and generate discussion on these games, as you do play them.