Really loving this show.

  • @nocturne213
    22 years ago

    My wife and i both thought it was far too long of an episode. It was 66 minutes, while the episodes before and after were 33 and 35 minutes respectively.

    • DigitalTraveler42
      22 years ago

      Yeah I was stoned to the gills when I started watching the episode and about halfway through I said to myself “gee this episode is going on forever!” Then I realized that it was a longer episode than the rest of the series. I also felt that the intensity and uncomfortable vibe of the episode added to that feeling of “this episode is carrying on too long” plus they had a lot of other subtle means of making us uncomfortable while watching it like some of the noises and whispers and offstage yelling and arguing, and honestly despite the “this is dragging on feeling” I felt the direction and the feeling they conveyed was amazingly on point.