The Taliban’s announcement that it is resuming publicly stoning women to death has been enabled by the international community’s silence, human rights groups have said.

Safia Arefi, a lawyer and head of the Afghan human rights organisation Women’s Window of Hope, said the announcement had condemned Afghan women to return to the darkest days of Taliban rule in the 1990s.

“With this announcement by the Taliban leader, a new chapter of private punishments has begun and Afghan women are experiencing the depths of loneliness,” Arefi said.

“Now, no one is standing beside them to save them from Taliban punishments. The international community has chosen to remain silent in the face of these violations of women’s rights.”


  • @afraid_of_zombies
    411 months ago

    That sounds like you announcing you cured HIV by simply shooting the infected. It might be true in one sense but even if that worked the cure is worse than the disease.

    I really don’t want any country involved in genocide

    • @Harbinger01173430
      311 months ago

      Well I mean, that’s an effective cure, though just make sure to incinerate the remains so the virus has less chances to survive. /S