
Housemate: Question. Why is Friday evening the end of Friday but, Christmas Evening is the beginning of Christmas?

Me: Technically there are two. “Christmas eve” and “Christmas Eve”. That’s not counting the third one, where “Christmas” refers to the season instead of the day(s), meaning there are many Christmas eves but only one Christmas Eve.

  • @Alexstarfire
    1611 months ago

    Apparently eve can be short for evening but I’ve never heard anyone use it in the same way and it would be confusing as hell if they did. Eve means before hence Christmas Eve meaning just before Christmas day. Evening is a time of day.

    Though, this assumes Christmas being a day and not the season. If referring to the season it’s be the day before the season starts.

    • @stevestevesteve
      -611 months ago

      Thinking eve is just short for evening is so wild to me. Is “Doll” short for dollar? Is “her” short for Hershey’s kisses? Come tf on