I was trying to work out how I managed to waste so much of my bandwidth allowance in a short time. With a Lemmy profile page loaded, I hit control-r to refresh while looking at the bandwidth meter.

Over 1 meg! wtf. I have images disabled in my browser, so it should only be fetching a small amount of compressed text. For comparison, loading ~25 IRC channels with 200 line buffers is 0.1mb.

So what’s going on? Is Lemmy transferring thumbnails even though images are disabled in the browser config?

  • @TechNerdWizard42
    26 months ago

    Honestly if you’re worrying down to the single megabyte in 2024, you’re the minority. I’m aware that internet on oil rigs, airplanes, and boats is prohibitively expensive like this. But otherwise, it’s a big giant don’t care. If you’re in that situation where it does matter, many apps, browsers, and OS’s have features for bandwidth limiting and caching that can help.

    • @[email protected]OP
      6 months ago

      Price in 2024: 10¢/mb.

      BTW, the planet is cooking in 2024 and some people care about that.

      • @TechNerdWizard42
        06 months ago

        Your consumption of 1MB or 50MB of data does ZERO to prevent the planet cooking.

        Being on a plan that charges you $100+/GB is also a ratified case that means you’re on a special internet connection and these issues should be resolved on your end so your whole system benefits from caching and data saving. If you’re on a stupid plan like that because you choose to be, you’re just a troll.