• @Etterra
    3311 months ago

    Tell flat-earthers that the earth is flat, but wrapped around so that when you leave one edge of the map you re-enter on the other side - like Pac Man but in every direction. And thus the flat earth only looks spherical but is in fact a hollow ball made from a flat sheet.

    Then watch to see if they switch to being hollow-earthers instead lol

    • @Audalin
      911 months ago

      Now you have projective-plane-earthers!

      • @holomorphic
        311 months ago

        Or more likely torus-earthers, unless the gluing is reversed.

        • @Audalin
          11 months ago

          “Like Pac Man but in every direction” sounds more like a projective plane to me.

    • @Jomega
      711 months ago

      A few of them already do believe this.

    • Kerb
      11 months ago

      thats downright boring next to some of the models they come up with.

      there is a model with a hollow/torus earth,
      were the sun is on the inside, while we are on the outside.

      the sun dips up and down anlong the poles and leaves through the gigant holes in the arctic&antarctic (that nasa covers up)
      which causes the daylight cycle.

      and the sun moving throughout the sky is just an illusion caused by atmospheric lensing

      • @Anticorp
        25 months ago

        Why though? Why do they come up with all of this crazy bullshit?

        • Kerb
          25 months ago

          flat earthers are only unified by the belief that the globe model is fake.

          they all pick and choose which models they like, based on what conspiracy theories they subscribe to, and what “evidence” they believe in.

          for example the model i described fits in well with hollow earth conspiracies like annunaki or lizzard people and “nasa hides the poles to cover up the truth”

          and when they are confronted with evidence that disproves one of their models its suddenly a strawman that no real flat earther believes in. and they pull out a different model that is entirely designed around addressing that one issue. (rinse and repeat if you disprove the next model)

    • @Everythingispenguins
      211 months ago

      I think it is more of a tiling block system so as you move the edge of the map it the blocks detach from the far side and move in front of you before you reach the edge.