US-funded Radio Free Asia (RFA) has closed its Hong Kong bureau over safety concerns for its staff in the wake of a new national security law known as Article 23.

“Actions by Hong Kong authorities, including referring to RFA as a ‘foreign force’, raise serious questions about our ability to operate in safety with the enactment of Article 23,” its president, Bay Fang, said in a statement on Friday.

The new law comes with stiffer punishments from several years up to life in jail for crimes including treason, sedition, state secrets, espionage and external interference.

  • @wurzelgummidge
    6 months ago

    There is nothing in Article 23 that isn’t included in any other country’s security laws. Since western mouthpieces only tell you that it is bad rather than telling you what exactly is in it you should read it for yourself,

    But critics such as the US government

    THE US government spends three-hundred-million tax payer dollars per year on anti-China propaganda.

    (a) Countering Chinese influence fund.—There is authorized to be appropriated $300,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2020 through 2024 for the Countering Chinese Influence Fund,

    “Actions by Hong Kong authorities, including referring to RFA as a ‘foreign force’

    Radio Free Asia is part of the CIA’s propaganda network. It works in partnership with something called the Open Technology Fund (OTF) which is used to funnel money to rioters. That is now illegal, it wasn’t before.

    • theodewere
      6 months ago

      you intentionally misinterpret all of that, and are therefore completely full of shit… there are no Chinese radio stations shutting themselves down because they fear being imprisoned in the UK or the US or Germany or France… you are lying…