I bit down wrong on a piece of chicken and smashed my bottom and top teeth together. One of my top front teeth chipped. It hurts at first and I have a mild headache. It mostly just feels weird and gritty against my tongue. It isn’t a big chip. It looks like a tiny slice was taken off the bottom of the tooth aside from the corner that touches my other front tooth.

Should I find an emergency dentist, or will waiting until Monday to call my dentist be okay?

I have a huge fear of my teeth getting fucked because I watched my biodad’s teeth rot in his mouth and fall out, and my stepfather has constant tooth infections that could totally spread to his brain and kill him because of the severity.

I brush my teeth daily and the last time I went to the dentist, my teeth were complimented several times, so I don’t have a personal history of tooth problems.

  • @workerONE
    88 months ago

    They can fix it easily with dental bonding. It’s like enamel, a really hard resin or something. I wouldn’t worry.