raddle.me/f/touhou, the only very active link aggregator alternative to r/touhou

Hey you. Yes you, Touhou fan. Tired of r/touhou’s too restrictive rules? Want a very active general 2hu forum that’s hosted on a #reddit alternative with an explicit strong anti-bigotry stance? Then why not hang out and chill at #Raddle’s f/touhou? We’ve recently reached 100 subscribers and 520 submissions! :D


#Touhou #東方Project #東方 #redditmigration

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

  • VBBM
    111 months ago

    it’s just isn’t as active as Lemmy and afaik Raddle doesn’t have any real advantages over Lemmy.

    • Ka TakaneOP
      111 months ago

      @vbb That depends on the communities you’re in. In my experience the Anarchism and 196 Raddle forums for example are more active than their counterparts in the fediverse. And of course there’s f/touhou, but that’s just not fair isn’t it? :P

      > real advantages

      Raddle does have plenty. For one it’s lightweight (you don’t even need JavaScript), we have a warrant canary, there’s a Tor service, no federation shenanigans like what I’ve seen now, a lot of reasons documented in https://raddle.me/wiki/why_raddle

      • Ka TakaneOP
        111 months ago


        (New reply because this instance has such a small character limit, dammit)

        And in the forum customization part, we also offer more things than Lemmy and kbin, such as the ability to set the background image (with different images for light and dark modes), the ability to embed images in the sidebar, moderator-set flairs, more than two posts pinned to the front page at a time, and forum tags/categories (with multi-forum view from that).

        • VBBM
          111 months ago

          activity: you just picked 3 communities which are more active on raddle. i can easily pick much more which are more active on lemmy.
          i can definitely call advantages from second reply “real” but imo they are not so groundbreaking that many users would prefer raddle over lemmy.