Someone told me this Community might enjoy this big gal! Got her along with a keyboard and mice for 90€!
Check out these specs!
Boi she’s also massive, especially compared to my main Gaming PC!
Both Train Simulator and Unreal work lovingly on it, though Stronghold 2 does struggle quite a bit the more I build… also awaiting Half Life 1 with all expansions and a copy of Age Of Empire (which I haven’t played a single part before) so thats exciting. Im also considering trying to get HL2 to run on it, but idk if it can handle that, what do you all think?
I’ve Return Fire iso I’m trying to get running in a vm, this might just run it.
Love that game. Shame it needed 256 colors, so I always had to change the screen settings before playing.
Speaking of which, I can’t remember which version of windows display settings stopped offering the color space option.
I’m not sure. But already was obsolete by xp times. My guess would be 7, but I have no idea.