• @LwL
    6 months ago

    U got the white part correct, congrats.

    And no, I just have principles. And well, the intelligence to realize that it’s not the greatest wau forward. Would still press a magic button that instantly kills all nazis, but that doesn’t exist.

    • @EndlessApollo
      6 months ago

      If your principles are that nazis should be allowed to exist peacefully and spew their hate wherever they want, your principles are shit and you should get some new ones, like actually giving a shit about your minority friends who nazis are actively trying to kill

      • @LwL
        06 months ago

        Way to miss the point entirely.

        Oh well no point trying to talk to someone not even trying to think about things.

        • @EndlessApollo
          6 months ago

          My point is that my safety is more important than your right to call me slurs and call for my death. Your point is shit and irrelevant because you think fascists need to be protected and supported rather than fought against. Have a shit day :)

          • @LwL
            06 months ago

            And my point is that allowing calls for violence potentially compromises safety of any marginalized group as it removea hurdles when the wrong people get into power, and punching nazis is just going to radicalize them more anyway, so that’s also not gonna help.

            But, yknow, imagine thinking.

            • @EndlessApollo
              6 months ago

              And again, your point is shit :) why do you feel the need to stretch so fucking far to explain how restricting hate speech and fighting nazis is actually bad? (rhetorical question)

              BTW you’re blatantly lying about the punching nazis bit, we punched the fuck out of them during the trump administration and as you know there were a lot fewer nazis going out and demonstrating near the end of that administration. Many of them specifically said they’re too afraid of physical violence to continue spewing their hate on the street. But again, you know that, and that’s exactly why you’re against it. Go to hell nazi trash, maybe try a little harder next time if you’re trying to convince people to oppose civil rights (or just unalive, that’d be best for everyone 🌸)

              • @LwL
                6 months ago
                1. Spewing their hate on the street is different from just being a nazi
                2. yes obviously it’ll stop them from doing that but it won’t stop them from harboring their ideology. A large reason ppl end up in extremist circles is feeling like they don’t fit into society, what’s gonna happen when you continue isolating them?

                You’re also making an awful lot of assumptions about me, given that i went to demos against a far right party here before lmao

                Btw, how the fuck would i know if ppl got violent against hateful shitheads in some other country and especially what the shitheads’ reaction was (even if it’s fairly obvious)

                • @EndlessApollo
                  6 months ago

                  So you’re from a country that isn’t full of nazis. That means you don’t know jack shit about what you’re talking about. Punching nazis works, this is a fact, one you’re either fully aware of and that’s why you’re against it, or one that you know nothing about bc you have no idea how to deal with nazis. Americans are pros at dealing with fascists, you should stay in your lane and quit putting your heart and soul into defending the evil fuckers 💖

                  • @LwL
                    06 months ago

                    I’m from the country that spawned nazis lol, pretty sure if you’re going that route you’re the unqualified one for not being german.

                    Violence works great for keeping people out of political discourse (part of how the nsdap rose to power), it doesn’t work to have them consider changing their minds.

                • @EndlessApollo
                  16 months ago

                  “i went to demos against a far right party” as a counterprotestor I’m sure. For someone who halfheartedly claims to be against the far right you sure do write a lot of paragraphs defending their right to call for my death