• mojo_raisin
    1 year ago

    Democrat voters need to get behind the left

    Any strategy that requires millions of dumb people to make wise decisions is simply not going to happen.

    I see things this way

    There is a small number of good people driven to make the world a better place, e.g. me and you and many of us on Lemmy

    There is a tiny number of really bad people (e.g. psychopaths), these are your right wing leaders (gov’t, church, etc) and very rich people

    There is a small number of people willing to kill others for a paycheck because they were ordered to do so (military, police, intelligence) or are sadists

    A larger number of people that are mostly goodish but not wise and not motivated to improve anything for others – they just do their thing

    About 35% dumb people that would not care one whit about politics – This is the main group where the future will be made

    These numbers are pulled from my ass but get my point across.

    • The good people are already trying, but so many are convinced by propaganda from foreign dictators (somehow they clearly see American propaganda and are totally blind to that coming from dictators that claim to be communists) that the way to make things better is to kill a bunch of people and force everyone else to labor under the dictators instruction. We’ve seen the damage this can do before to society and to the environment.

    • The bad people are not going to turn good, they are the enemy.

    • The enforcement class will be an enemy as long as they are paid, remove the money and we just need to watch out for unorganized assholes and sadists

    • The goodish people can only be prodded to vote better, that is of limited utility in making the world better, but it can hold off fascism for a time (I want to be clear, our current situation is bad, fascism is much worse, much much worse).

    • It’s the dumb people – the normal situation is they are not very powerful or organized. What’s changed in recent years is that this group has been activated – they’ve been turned into an idiot army serving the tiny number of very bad people. ( I think Steve Bannon and Roger Stone were key here)

    This means, they way to get out of our quagmire is to deactivate the idiot army, and they use leftist tactics to push things in the right direction outside of electoral politics.