My dad is a classic narcissist. Everyone was put on this earth to serve him. If you don’t do what he wants, you’re a worthless terrible person. It was not uncommon for him to get physically abusive, but not enough to leave suspicious marks. I went low contact with him three years ago when he yelled at my autistic, non-verbal daughter because she was being “too loud.”

My Grandma (his mom) died a week and a half ago. He demanded we all help go through her stuff on the Fourth of July. He figured we weren’t working, and couldn’t possibly have anything else to do. My older brother, myself and my younger sister said sorry we all have plans, but we’re happy to do it this weekend. He stormed off, and later told my sister that getting married to our mom and having kids was the worst decision of his life. She called me crying.

My wife and I talked things through and decided we are going no contact with him after the funeral, which was yesterday. I don’t need to have that kind of stress in my life, and I don’t want my kids to experience anything like I had to growing up.

  • thisbenzingring
    52 years ago

    I don’t speak to either of my parents. It’s a hard thing. I find it causes me stress at times but those people are horrible and I prefer the random guilty thoughts then the emotional abuse both of them inflict on me.

    Sometimes it’s the better of choice that only has bad options.

    • @JohnpwrinkleOP
      52 years ago

      I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Do you have others you can rely on? 🫂

      • thisbenzingring
        32 years ago

        My wife and my sisters. My wife’s family is close so it helps. But it’s not the same and I have mostly just accepted that I will always have this scar and it will never heal.


        This is something I have been dealing with for 30 years and more. First with my father when I was in my early 20s and more recently my mother.

        • @JohnpwrinkleOP
          12 years ago

          Glad you have someone. If you haven’t already, therapy might be something to look at. I went through five or six sessions a year ago and I was surprised how much it helped. I may be an internet stranger, but I’m willing to listen! All the love