Police said they initially responded after patrol officers in the downtown area heard several shots being fired nearby. They found six minors, among a larger group of kids, suffering from injuries consistent with gunshot wounds. An emergency medical services crew transported all of them to a hospital for treatment. One of the victims’ conditions was critical at the time of transport, but the classification was updated and that person is now stable. The other five victims were stable when they were transported.

A seventh victim, who police determined had been shot during the same downtown incident, was treated as a walk-in at a different hospital. That person’s condition was listed as stable too, according to Indianapolis police.

    -36 months ago

    If a shooting incident in America causes you to say “WTF”, you obviously haven’t been paying attention.

    • RedFox
      36 months ago

      Yeah we get it, American, lots of shootings, yeah already know.

      This was my downtown and a mall.

      I have guns. I have exceptional training. I don’t shoot people at malls.

      • Grimace Buckle
        36 months ago

        I worry as inflation and joblessness increase things like this will continue. Rent in Indianapolis has tripled since 2019, and wages haven’t kept up

        And smart cameras and other surveillance that has increases in Indy since 2019 hasn’t helped and most likely don’t help prevent violent crimes

        • RedFox
          16 months ago

          I can’t figure out the rate hikes on property values right now.

          Also, what do you I think the correlation is between rent and violence? I could see theft and costs of living, but not random shootings.

          • Grimace Buckle
            6 months ago

            Yeah, there have been studies that show cognitive impairment tied to prolong stressed caused by poverty. I’ll have to dig them up. Nothing tied to mass shootings, but I don’t think it’s a leap if someone is having a hard time making rent and food to maybe not make the best decisions every day

            Not saying that poor or homeless people are a problem, saying economic stressors affect us in more ways than we might immediately see

            Property values seem in part tied to all of the excess money coming into the state, I’ve been around here for a decade and never seen so many out of state tags as since the pandemic. Even lower middle class in NY or CA can afford higher prices

          • Grimace Buckle
            26 months ago

            Most definitely, I just don’t think the difficult economy is helping anyone’s mood

        • Flying SquidOP
          06 months ago

          In this case though, it was teenagers. So I don’t know that this was an act of desperation. I’m guessing it’s gang-related if anything.

          Still tragic, but probably not because of the causes you’re talking about.

          • Grimace Buckle
            26 months ago

            I think teens face economic hardship directly. They often are financially stuck to whatever their parents allow or have access to and if they do get a job it’s typically at the minimum wage

            But yeah, teens statically make more rash decisions like this

            • Flying SquidOP
              06 months ago

              I suppose you could argue that gang activity in general is a result of economic hardship.

              • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
                26 months ago

                Not necessarily. I know two people who came from upper-middle class families who got involved in gangs because their emotional needs were neglected by their parents. They found a sense of belonging and purpose within the gangs that they didn’t have at home.

                • Flying SquidOP
                  26 months ago

                  I’m sure that happens, I just don’t know if gangs as a whole would exist, or at least be anywhere near the size they are now, if it wasn’t for poverty and desperation.