• GodlessCommie
    -313 months ago

    Sanders is a neoliberal sheepdog. He lured everyone to the polls with bright ideas only for them to be killed when he said we need to vote for the people that created the shithole government we have

      • @Postmortal_Pop
        63 months ago

        Openly protest them.

        Actively work to undermine the system that hindered him.

        Separate from them.

        Refuse to endorse their stance when it is diametrically opposed to his beliefs.

        There’s a lot someone can do when the system they’re a part of fails to hold to their or the system’s own values, but the one thing you can’t do is champion the system without change.

      • @eldavi
        3 months ago

        and yet he continues to shill for them

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          Yeah idk. If you check my comment history you will see this conversation getting played from several angles. Obviously trump is worse than Biden, but Trump being that bad means if we all agree to fall in line then Biden has no incentive to to improve

          We could play the slow game and slowly install progressive people and hopefully stuff will be better in 50 years, but with the wealth inequality since Reagan I feel like we’ve already tried the slow game. It’s hard to tell if things are actually improving.

          I’m just so sick of watching Bernie be on the right side of history every time. Motherfucker is actually literally batting a thousand

          And yet he’s not our prez. Shit sucks

          • GodlessCommie
            33 months ago

            There is no slow game, people have had the same arguments for over a hundred years. The only way is let them keep losing elections. Either they bend to the will of their constituents or they are replaced by a party that will.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              Yeah but people love to say “if Trump wins democracy is over for good”. Idk if I want another four years of that but I do think Biden needs an actual incentive to change.

              • GodlessCommie
                13 months ago

                They love to claim Trump is gonna be able to pass all these laws on day one as if hes all powerful

                • @[email protected]
                  13 months ago

                  He’s already tried to overthrow the election and had stated he will be a dictator. He will certainly try

          • @eldavi
            23 months ago

            he’ll never be our president if democrats don’t change and his biggest way he can help the situation is by giving very public and persistent voice to the criticisms he’s levied against biden during his last 2 presidential campaigns

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              He did release a video recently criticizing him at the start, but then falling in line after. Biden won the primary and Bernie isn’t splitting the vote. It’s too late cuz primary is over. Gotta go Biden due to FPTP

              • @eldavi
                3 months ago

                bernie’s biggest potential in this situation is calling out biden as an ally on his record and past support as publicly and loudly as he can and still saying that he supports biden.

                i plan on voting for biden and i will only blame democrats; not other leftest; if he loses like the polls say that he will.

      • GodlessCommie
        13 months ago

        Not lose all credibility endorsing the things he’s spoken out against is what he could have done. ‘I support Medicare for all, vote for this guy that says he would veto any efforts to enact it’

        • @[email protected]
          13 months ago

          The system is what it is. Would you rather he tell people to vote trump? The primaries were over. Given FPTP if you vote a third party you either split the vote and lose, or waste a vote.

          • GodlessCommie
            13 months ago

            Split the vote is liberal myth, we wouldnt vote for your shitty candidates if they were the only ones on the ballot. Democrats and republicans no more represent us than Republicans represent you.

    • @Snapz
      23 months ago

      Not true. He’s one of the most decent people among us and he did what he could, the right thing in a fucked situation, to try to avoid infighting that would have certainly led to a guaranteed loss and a president they would do things like mismanage a pandemic to directly lead to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.

      Your comment fits a 14 year olds developing mind, there’s definitely a type for “fuck the authority no matter what”, but it has no sense of scale or lived reality that a rational adult applies.

    • @Cryophilia
      -53 months ago

      See, no one is ever good enough for leftists. That’s why you people never win elections, you eat each other.

      • GodlessCommie
        43 months ago

        Sanders is not a leftist. That’s like saying Nicki Haley isn’t good enough for democrats.