I recently finished Perdido Street Station, and one minor thing that bothered me is how many of the other races were either a humanoid version of earth life (cactus person, bird person) or a literal combination of a human and something (head of a bug, body of a person). That just seems so fantastically unlikely that I wonder if any of the other books in that setting explain it. Like, is it a future earth and the races are results of generic modification in some prior era?

I liked the book pretty well, through it’s not exactly uplifting. Thought provoking though.

  • @heavyboots@lemmy.ml
    211 months ago

    Hahaha, yeah I only buy books that I know I will be rereading down the line, because otherwise the foundations of my house would crumble under the weight.

    My library allows requesting new books 3 months before they come out, so I usually try and be the guy requesting it and getting the first hold on it that way…

    • AFK BRB ChocolateOP
      211 months ago

      Amusingly, it popped up yesterday as available on one of the smaller libraries, so I’ve started reading it. Interesting.