Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 976 Russian artillery systems in March, a record number in a single month since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry reported on April 2.

  • @Siegfried
    36 months ago

    Totalling over 11000 destroyed artillery systems… how many do they have? was this done with the few dozens of artillery systems delivered by the west?

    • bluGill
      6 months ago

      They were rumored do have just under 20k in storage before the war, so Russia has a lot more. Though the best has already been used up and what they are getting out of storage is more and more broken and so needs repairs. They may have already used up some of their best systems (for whatever best means). They are using WWII designed made in the 1950s - while they still work as designed, the age means they break more often than new stuff and the are unlikely to be adaptable to modern computer controls. So not ideal for Russia. However Russia has a lot more soldiers (which they don’t care about) and quantity is a quality all its own. Still for the rest of 2024 everyone expects Russia will have more artillery than they want (though not always the versions they want) and that is a big advantage. If Ukraine holds out to 2025 though Russia is expected to run out.