Combined assets of $14.2tn are more than the GDP of every country except China and the US

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  • @[email protected]
    111 months ago

    Not to worry there is still plenty of room for growth. I’m looking forward to our first Sextillionaire

    • @Ultraviolet
      211 months ago

      It goes even further than that. After vigintillion, you have steps of 10^30 that go trigintillion, quadragintillion, quinquagintillion, sexagintillion, septuagintillion, octogentillion, nonagentillion and centillion, with the 10^3 prefix in the front. If you really need to ramp up further, centillion can be prefixed by any of the other major prefixes, so 10^30 centillion is a decicentillion, and so on.

      It’s a whole system that I had a hyperfixation on as a kid so I remember it quite well.