“I graduated on June 1, 1996. That was 10,167 days ago, and it has been 10,167 days that I have not used algebra,” Farnsworth said on the Senate floor.

  • @affiliate
    199 months ago

    probably the reason math gets so much hate in school is because it’s taught so poorly. it’s all just about memorizing some dumb formulas and plugging things into preselected equations. math is so much more than that, and it’s really a shame that it’s not taught in a way that encourages more creativity.

    here’s a paper written by a mathematician on this very subject (i promise it’s readable): https://maa.org/sites/default/files/pdf/devlin/LockhartsLament.pdf

    • @[email protected]OP
      129 months ago

      Sure, but when we try to teach actual number sense all the other adults while and complain about how they’re “an eNGiNeER aNd evEn tHey caN’T do thIS NEw MatH, The Old waY waS FinE!!!1!!eleven!!”