• @Gabu
    6 months ago

    Oh yeah, choosing to not eat is totally the same as not having any food, they’re totally comparable experiences! /s

    Your privilege is showing.

    • Flying Squid
      6 months ago

      It’s weird that you called me illiterate when it’s fairly apparent that you didn’t get past the headline.

      I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be at the top hospital in the nation right now if I was choosing not to eat.


      Or is this like saying someone with clinical depression is choosing not to be happy?

      But sure, I’m highly privileged to never be able to eat anything no matter how much I want to. What a privilege.

      • @Gabu
        26 months ago

        In March, I stopped eating for six weeks. It’s not like I’m too nauseated to eat or I feel too full to eat, I just do not want to eat.

        Your words, emphasis mine.

        • Flying Squid
          -26 months ago

          Sure, I was accepted by the Mayo Clinic gastroenterology department after sending them all of my medical records, was evaluated by three different medical professionals, diagnosed, and given a regimen of treatment that might lead to me being able to eat solid foods several months from now and they do that for people who just choose not to eat. And then there’s the multiple stays in my local hospital to get scopes and scans, the blood panels, the gallbladder removal, not to mention the thousands of dollars of medical debt… all because I am choosing not to eat. It’s something I’ve been doing as a hobby, like wood carving or pottery.

          But congratulations, you read to the first sentence of the third paragraph of that post.

          Keep digging this hole for yourself.