I’ve now been working on my next modlist for nearly four months. screaming internally

First, I wanted to try new combat mods. Several million confusing animation set choices later, I think I have something working. I then got the wild idea of trying one of those methods of distributing random bodies to all NPCs in the game, so I downloaded about a hundred bodyslides for HIMBO and CBBE and got that working. Which tree mod? Which grass mod? I’ve changed my mind at least twice.

Then I figured out how to enable physics for things like hair and cloaks. Ooooh, neat! Except no, heavy fur cloaks should not swirl around like they’re made of gauze what even is this do I have to turn it off again no wait, I am too busy downloading HDT-SMP patches for every armor set I’m using. Oh, these armor sets don’t have OWL patches? I’ll make some for myself. Learning how leveled lists work sure was interesting.

I tried to shake up the load order with different city and town overhauls than usual. Today I ripped them all out for JK’s Skyrim because my test runs made me unhappy. Well, I kept some of Expanded Towns and Cities, which I liked a lot for its voiced NPCs. This meant I had to rebuild the EasyNPC face merge again. And all my merged patches. And all my lods.

Is there a yak shaving mod? I think I need it.

Send halp.

  • flyingdutchguy
    22 years ago

    Where are you guys getting the preview data? I tried searching but couldn’t find them and it’s tough to pick between Bijin or Pandorable or Northbourne when all the previews are just black silhouettes.

    • CeejbotOP
      42 years ago

      The EasyNPC discord server has a channel for preview requests and a channel full of fulfilled preview requests. This was pure gold! They also have links to all the tools they use for making consistent mostly-automated previews if you want to give it a shot yourself.

      IIRC it’s linked from the mod page.