Researchers have demonstrated a new acoustic side-channel attack on keyboards that can deduce user input based on their typing patterns, even in poor conditions, such as environments with noise. […]

  • @[email protected]
    16 months ago

    i stopped reading at “dumbass”

    seriously just… you’re a [redacted]

    this is not the same technique that you read about… it’s **new, nove**l, and works on timing not the sound of the keyboard

    just read


    • @[email protected]
      06 months ago

      i stopped reading at “dumbass”

      seriously just… you’re a [redacted]

      this is not the same technique that you read about… it’s new, novel, and works on timing not the sound of the keyboard

      just read


      Yknow, I tried to be nice before, but clearly you’re more useless and pathetic than the idiots at the bottom “reacting” to content on YouTube. I pointed out how stupid your response was, but clearly you proved my point that you’re illiterate.

      If you can’t be bothered to read the full comments (you probably did and just trying to make it seem as if you didn’t), then don’t bother replying, cunt. See, unlike you, I don’t redact my words and bitch call me whatever you wanted in redacted. Please do because I don’t care what a useless shitbag such as yourself says, since we can get more intelligence from Fox News. Go cry to your mother. Nobody needs your immature, almond sized brain responses. Your ego is so fragile that it makes glass bombproof, and you’re a cesspool worse than aids. GTFO because nobody wants your pathetic waste of space of an existence on here.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            at least i don’t write paragraphs of lame non-sequiter insults and then pretend like the other person is “seething” with anger…
            super duper cliche, btw

            you’re so fragile a minor correction sends you into a tantrum of denial and insults…

            like a fragile narcissist who can’t cope with their own mediocrity

            • @[email protected]
              16 months ago

              There is a term that we call you: pseudo-intellect. The only one that is getting butt hurt is you, and now it is just funny. The blocking button is there for a reason. Learn to use it. Also, you didn’t correct me at all, and your stupidity is both cringe and hilarious. Cope and seethe.