• Tarquinn2049
    665 months ago

    The initial post comes across to me as intentionally crafted to spread and cause mischief. But, it’s also very possibly an example of poe’s law. When you so accurately mimic stupid, how can anyone tell for sure whether it’s parody. It could just as easily be a real post.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      165 months ago

      It’s coordinated messaging, a weaponized disinformation tactic.

      • lad
        105 months ago

        You mean like when someone posts a scam link and another person immediately pops up and says that this is the best [scam name] they ever used?

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
          85 months ago

          Nope, it’s when a group of disinformation twits post the same message on all their social media accounts to try and spread rumors.