• @Ultragigagigantic
    3 months ago

    It’s self hosted plus open source, or barbarism.

    You think… “Y sucks, I’m switching to Z”.

    But Z just is biding its time till it can be Y. The most principled owners in existence have a finite life span. It is only a matter of time till the vultures put their claws into anything.

    Gabe is gonna die, steam is gonna be fucked. We should have all started with Good Old Games. But we didn’t. But it’s not to late to switch. To be free with your software. Don’t be like me, wishing you had been smarter before.

    It’s okay, better now then never.

    • yeehaw
      33 months ago

      In the case of steam and gog, steam was around a lot longer before gog. I only purchase what I must on steam, and if it’s available on both I always purchase from gog. They more align with my values. But valve from my point of view is such a prosumer business I don’t mind. But you’re right. When Gabe goes, I’m willing to bet some cock sucker ceo from oracle or ibm will swoop in and fuck the whole thing up.