So I had mainly driven tin tops on Laguna Seca. I found the turns to be very flowy and took a while to get used to.

But man are they fun in F4. I’m assuming the down force is the cause of the added fun. Penultimate turn is super fun.

Next week should be a fun week.

  • @ElegastOP
    32 years ago

    oh man I ran that when I first started iracing. Boy did that not go well. That would be fun to try now though. Im having a blast in the F4

    • @lhx
      32 years ago

      I ran my first F4 race tonight; ended up DQd. Got hit by others twice, and then death by thousand cuts on track limits. Pace has me in the top 10 of a SOF 1k field, so I’m cool with that. Just need to be tidier and maybe not qualify to avoid the lap-one death in Andretti and the corkscrew.

      • @ElegastOP
        32 years ago

        ah too bad. but you crash and you learn. I have to work more on tidy racing over faster lap times, but its fun to push. Good luck with future races!