How has your week been? How are the kids? What’s going on and what have you got planned?

Welcome to Saturday Moanings, your safe place to vent, moan and otherwise just…have a good whine about the world, your household and everything in between.

  • @[email protected]M
    111 months ago

    My 6 year old is the same, it’s infuriating. It’s exhausting trying to get him to do the most basic shit, and the time we’ve spent arguing about it he could have done said task about ten times. And there’s never any sense of urgency. We can be in a rush and told him explicitly that we need to hurry up as we’re late and that he needs to put his shoes on (after already being told 4 times) and he’ll be spinning around in the middle of the room. I know it’s normal kid stuff and I probably did it too but it’s maddening!

    Tea time is always a point of frustration. No matter what we make he seems to hate it and won’t eat it. He’s decided that he’s vegetarian too, which we support but it has blown all of the recipes that we normally make out the water and meal planning is an even bigger pain than it was.

    What really grinds my gears though is when he’s constantly moaning that he’s hungry before dinner, he’ll then eat two mouthfuls of food, say he’s full, then 20 minutes later: “dad I’m hungry, is there anything I can eat?”. YES YOU LITTLE BASTARD, YOUR GOD DAMN DINNER THAT’S STILL ON THE TABLE! Obviously I don’t say that to him but I say it to myself in my mind!

    • SbisasCostlyTurnoverOP
      111 months ago

      Yeah we’ve got some of this, although perhaps not as frustratingly bad as you guys.

      She’s very picky, but we’ve gotten to the point that we just cook what the other three of us eat and if she doesn’t want it then so be it.

      I should emphasize that we generally only eat what we know she likes, but for some reason she’ll decide on a random wednesday that now she doesn’t like peas and …yeah okay.

      Banana before bed I guess.