Another thing I noticed is getting more common among RPG Horror Stories. When once it was common to see entitled players complaining the GM is not running the game like Matt Mercer runs on Critical Role, I have lately seen quite few stories where problem GM tries to use that to deflect criticism. It’s usually the type to be acting creepily towards women, both in and out of game, enjoying juvenile, overtly edgy humor and/or insisting of all kinds of bigotry for “historical accurracy”. And when the players confront him (as it’s almost always a guy) about it, he’s going to say something like “Stop sucking Mercer off, this is real D&D!” or “Go play at Matt Mercer’s table, if you don’t like it!”.

While, as usual, there is possibility these stories are fake, I can see these being true - the kind to engage in those specific behaviors is also the kind to grab on buzzwords or try to twist real problems to deflect criticism.

  • Diotima
    010 months ago

    Depends! 5E is broken at higher levels so rarely there. I’ve had a few complete campaigns in older editions though; a group with insanely high levels completed the Throne of Bloodstone and another custom campaign closed out after saving reality itself. As for killing gods, once. One of our PCs ascended to godhood too. For the hells, that’s never been an overall goal. Freeing good souls, yes.

    • @Archpawn
      010 months ago

      So in short, it’s a crapsack world, and campaigns rarely involve fixing it?

      There was a campaign that Puffin Forest did where there was a treaty between celestials and fiends that was stolen reigniting the war with the intent that the upper planes would win. But the guy who did that was the antagonist. The players were trying to preserve the status quo.

      • Diotima
        210 months ago

        Maybe in your campaigns, but that’s absolutely not how the FR are designed. But, don’t take my word for it. Per the official FR style sheet:

        “The Forgotten Realms is a hopeful setting. The good guys will eventually win. … While not every moment of a story or image in art should be hopeful (the villains need their time in the spotlight, and bad things do happen), keep this tone in mind.”

        • @Archpawn
          210 months ago

          They don’t even have stats for the gods. The only way players could win in a way that fixes the cosmology involves heavy homebrew.

          I think when they said “the good guys will eventually win” they meant like stopping this particular big bad from doing whatever they’re trying to do. Not that they’ll replace the gods, make sure every afterlife is paradise, and find a cruelty-free alternative to the Wall of the Faithless.

          • Diotima
            110 months ago

            They only just recently made an adventure catering to high level characters. 2E, 3E offered stats, so clearly they intended there to be a path.

            • @Archpawn
              10 months ago

              It’s clearly not a priority if they’re only just doing it in 5e. They expect most players to play in a crapsack world and leave it a crapsack world. After all, if it wasn’t a crapsack world there’d be no need for heroes, and they want a persistent world instead of having it always end after the players finish their campaign and fix it.