Just need to be varnished and a bit of flock on the base.

  • @Marduk73
    21 year ago

    Space Dwarves. I started building my own homebrew squats then find out they released them.

      • @Marduk73
        21 year ago

        It is. I didn’t mention but i have the starter set and my home brew.

        Home brew is a lot of those fantasy wh dwarves that are armored. They are some sort of new ish kit from several years ago with bolt pistols and axes bashed on.

        Leadership was some SICK sculpted round shaped armored dwarves that are a lot taller so they remind me of what I’d think Squats version of terminator armor must be like.

        Crassius armored transport from forgeworld. Painted as i want them to be mechanised. Two polish sculpted mini tanks with mini guns ( think like grots tanks ) painted.

        None of the home brew is painted because i ran out of bolt guns from my 20 some years bitz , i have the official kit partially done.

        This is all good cause now whenever i play it’s just solo playing two sides of the billion armies i play lol. I’m also stuck in third edition and make house rules. I’m satisfied with the situation.

        It’s great because i keep finding third edition and fourth edition codexes in second hand shops cheap.

        Picked up many codexs just in case

        • @[email protected]OP
          21 year ago

          Sounds awesome!

          I’m trying to convince some mates to play second edition, but it’s challenging getting others to play alternative games.

          • @Marduk73
            11 year ago

            Amazing. I started at 3rd. Tolerated 4th. Then quit playing public games. I heard 2nd was pretty awesome and complicated with smoke and smoke movement dissipation etc., Vortex nades and stuff. For grins, i bought the first ed. books.
            Love playing OldHammer.