Title Edit: 737 not a 787
Another Boeing 787 makes an emergency landing in Denver, Colorado after having the engine fall apart
Direct link to video: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1777045344699723776/vid/avc1/720x720/9e4r54op7DJrY8Q6.mp4
Source: https://twitter.com/HotSpotHotSpot/status/1777045587344429221
Boeing does not maintain their planes after they sell them. That is on the customer.
They are, however, maintained to Boeing’s specified intervals.
This just isn’t true. Part 121 operators develop and manage their own maintenance plans. That is done in conjunction with Boeing and the FAA but their maintenance plans may very well deviate from Boeings prescribed service and intervals per their standard maintenance manual.
Are they?
Yes. You do not fuck around with maintenence intervals on an aircraft, especially in the states.