I only play single player campaings exclusively, I only buy games based on the campaign, I never play multiplayer, not one.

Does high framerate really make for better gameplay in a campaign? Is 120fps noticable over 60?

I play on 60Hz now at ultra. Is 120fps Cyberpunk really a better experience than 60fps Cyberpunk?

  • LengselOP
    02 years ago

    What singple player campaigns have you noticed a signficant difference in response time when pkaying at 144fps? Only campaign, I never ever play online multiplayer.

    I can’t do high framerate now, but for next gen in 2 years I want to buy a 4K card.

    • @Breloom
      2 years ago

      I exclusively play single player titles.

      I feel like the increased frame rates helped with my response times in combat on God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn. If you play games with lock-on targeting you’ll notice it a lot less, but it feels like it’s helped with my tracking a good bit. Could be me perceiving it that way due to the game “appearing” to run smoother.

      The faster paced the game is, the more of a difference you’re going to notice. For me it’s a hard preference now, but it’s hard to recommend to someone that hasn’t tried it for themselves, especially if you don’t currently have the hardware to fully utilize it.