Currently studying for an exam tomorrow, and I now realize why I’m always so sleepy in class: the prof. speaks sooo sloowllyy with pauses - in-between - most words. I can’t keep focused because of that; thankfully, he has narrated powerpoints that I can download and watch… at 3x normal speed. Which is nice because a 37 minute video is now 12 minutes, but goddamn it makes classes so rough.

  • Hello_there
    311 months ago

    Seems like partially a reaction to speed of popular media and the result on how easy it is to pay attention

    • @mapto
      411 months ago

      Then there’s paying attention as in comprehending, and paying attention as in internalising. The latter takes more effort and time, as it includes relating to previous knowledge. It is not as often that lecturers manage to guide students to think along.