• @[email protected]
    95 months ago

    I think the real tragedy is that we humans when we form our group structures, often promote narcissistic sociopaths to leadership positions. We then tend to protect them like they are gods even when they are horrible people who would destroy you if you get in their way. Until we face this reality, we will continue the same patterns. Just look at how Israel is basically doing the same sort of things that was done to them because they have promoted narcissistic sociopath to the top leadership positions. Will we ever learn. No…instead we blame this country or this race or this person or that person versus inspecting ourselves and how we are also contributing by supporting or simply not stopping awful people from calling the shots.

    • livus
      25 months ago

      @Immersive_Matthew that’s a good point. Blaming cultures or public figures is futile.

      I think that (like climate change) it has at least as much to do with the structures we permit as it does our individual beliefs and actions as people…