Ворог публікує додаткові кадри з висадкою десанту за допомогою гелікоптерів UH-60 Black Hawk в Бєлгородській області.

The enemy has published additional footage of the landing of the landing force using UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters in the Belgorod region.

🦉 Два гелікоптера UH-60 «Black Hawk» ГУР МО здійснюють доставку десанту в н.п. Козинка Бєлгородської області 14 березня.

Two UH-60 “Black Hawk” helicopters of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine deliver troops to Kozynka, Belgorod region, on 14 March.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      It looks like there was prior material talking about transfer of Black Hawks to Ukraine:

      A new video shows at least two UH-60s in service with the Directorate of Intelligence, after the first one was unveiled last year.

      After the Ukrainian Directorate of Intelligence unveiled a US-made UH-60 Black Hawk in Ukrainian colors in February 2023, a new video now shows at least another UH-60 helicopter that arrived in country. The video was posted by the Directorate on its social media accounts in response to Russian claims that a Ukrainian UH-60 with 20 soldiers on board was shot down.

      The appearance of the UH-60 in Ukraine last year came as a surprise as it was not announced in the military aid packages sent to the war-torn country. However, it was later confirmed that the helicopter was bought from the US firm Ace Aeronautics, which specializes in converting older Black Hawk helicopters divested by the U.S. Army for the civilian market, at the end of a crowdfunding campaign that raised six million dollars. It appears that at least another crowdfunding campaign is ongoing in the Czech Republic to buy another UH-60 for Ukraine.