I just retrofitted my basic hand crank mill with a 10mm nut, and drove it with a drill. It’s so much faster now, but I do wonder if there’s actual properly motorized versions of what I just did.

  • @KammicRelief
    110 months ago

    I’ve been using a LIDO 2 for a few years, but am considering the move to 1zpresso…

    • @fritobugger2017
      210 months ago

      Other than possibly being easier to hold due to the smaller size of the 1zpresso, I wouldn’t expect much difference in grind quality between the Lido 2 and even the best 1zpresso

      • @KammicRelief
        210 months ago

        I can sift out about 10% fines with a typical Lido grind. Not inherently a bad thing, but I’m intrigued by the almost-zero-fines of the 1zpresso ZP6. A friend of mine has one, and said he did the same thing – was sifting daily with his other grinder, but decided to stop throwing away 10% of his coffee. :) Don’t get me wrong, the Lido is great and has served me well, and I wouldn’t even get rid of it. It’s just a different thing, going more unimodal.