Doctors describe rise in infections and amputations among dangerously malnourished patients

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  • @[email protected]
    -53 months ago

    I will believe it if you can link me to it, otherwise I am quite certain nobody “outed” you as a Russian operative with the sole piece of evidence being that you claim to be against genocide.

    I suspect you are warping what was said because it makes a better narrative.

    • @[email protected]
      43 months ago

      Idk about them specifically but I’ve absolutely seen dismissive responses of “lol fuck off Ivan” to people saying things along the lines of

      Don’t be shocked if he loses thanks to this

      Multiple times. Sometimes it’s “lol fuck off cuckservative” instead.

      That you haven’t shows you’re either not in the comment sections over in .world (good, tbh) or not remembering it, cuz it’s def there.

      • @[email protected]
        -53 months ago

        Well I had to block the entire .ml instance because I was being harassed by pro-hamas posters who were explicitly pro-terrorism.

        I wouldn’t be surprised if the behavior on .world left a lot to be desired as well.

    • @Maalus
      13 months ago

      Yeah, I’m not your dancing monkey to fulfill your every request. I don’t care about you to go through my entire comment history to find some f-wad I blocked a month ago.

        • @Maalus
          13 months ago

          Juicy provided evidence for their original claim. You can throw a tantrum all you want - reality is people won’t spend hours of their life trying to find a message from some random guy for you just because you ask for it. Want to do it - look for it yourself.

          • @[email protected]
            03 months ago

            Did they? I asked them to and they told me they wouldn’t, instead providing evidence of something else entirely.

            I suspect when you use the term evidence, you don’t actually mean evidence. Happy to be wrong though. If you feel like proving their claims for them, I will happily look at whatever you can find.

            • @Maalus
              13 months ago

              Ah yes the misinfo prayer. “Gib evidence” for every little claim that absolutely doesn’t need it. When somehow provided with it, refute the evidence with “nonono, not what I want, find better”. I’ll now be blocking you, I don’t want you in my notifications.