Is it while the potion is in effect?

    • 00-EvanM
      56 months ago

      You can think of it a bit like Warrior’s iron stomach talent. While you use (drink or throw) the potion you are either highly resistant, or completely immune to most types of damage. This makes a bunch of different potions more viable to use in melee combat, as you don’t have to worry about eating attacks in exchange for using them.

      • Track_ShovelOP
        16 months ago

        Ok I get it now Side question - RoF’s brawler stance give the rings the augments and enchantments of the weapon, right? Does this work ok with a monk build?

        • 00-EvanM
          26 months ago

          Do you mean with the unencumbered spirit talent? Ring of Force doesn’t have an equipment tier, so no that talent doesn’t work with it.

          • @chonglibloodsport
            6 months ago

            It’s a bit unclear how unencumbered spirit interacts with ring of force, brawler’s stance, and a weapon (say tier 1) in your hand. If you unequip the ring it’s clear that the tier 1 weapon would give you the bonus energy. Does equipping the ring of force take away that bonus energy? Or does activating brawler’s stance take away the bonus energy? Or do you only lose the bonus energy by removing your weapon?

            If it’s the latter then I suggest amending the description to read “you must have a weapon in hand to qualify for the bonus” or something to that effect. If there’s actually a special case to take away the bonus for using a ring of force then I suggest amending the description to read “note that wearing a ring of force disqualifies you from receiving the bonus energy.”

            • 00-EvanM
              16 months ago

              The talent does directly mention ring of force and being unarmed in the description. If you are unarmed or directly attacking with a ring of force, the talent doesn’t apply. So brawler’s stance would cause you to not trigger the talent, but just having the ring equipped with a weapon does not.

              • @chonglibloodsport
                16 months ago

                It says unarmed or ring of force, which is a bit ambiguous, but I understand now. Thanks! The talent is special cased to not let you benefit from the damage of the ring of force at the same time as getting bonus energy but brawler’s stance would let you toggle quickly as needed, so there’s a lot of flexibility!