Everywhere online now, every movie, every home video, has been passed through so many filters that people don’t look human any more. Nobody has any lines in their face, their teeth are florescent white, their eyes are filled in and have no veins. Nobody ever looks tired, or natural. Add to the mix the fact that everyone is getting lip implants to look like a blowfish, and I’m just tired of it. I miss seeing real human beings.

  • @[email protected]
    103 months ago

    This is the future of humanity. It is only going to get worse. Look at everthing technology has touched- there’s little realism left in anything anymore. Artists will be replaced by AI, musicians will be replace by AI, and there will be next to no depth left in anything.

    Bleak as fuck. Glad i at least remember before things became……

    … this.

    • @spez_
      -13 months ago

      Humans must look perfect to hide the effects of slavery (paid work)

          • @[email protected]
            03 months ago

            The fact that you could suggest something so ignorant and thoughtless gives me all the reason I need to block your ignorance from my feed.

            Go read a book about slavery, how it’s defined, and how it has affected the culture of entire races of people.

            Then come back and delete your comments in shame.

            • @spez_
              02 months ago

              Why would I read a rich man’s book on slavery?

              Working for money is slavery, because if you stop working you’ll die on the street. They use money like a carrot

            • FiveMacs
              -12 months ago

              Or…read legal definitions instead of some random book.

              Slavery has nothing to do with money, it’s the practice of forced labor and restricted liberty. It is also a regime where one class of people - the slave owners - could force another - the slaves - to work and limit their liberty.

              You can 100% give a pittance to a slave in the form of currency and have it still be considered forced labor. You should block yourself for being so arrogant and short sighted to think that slavery has anything to do with money.

              Slavery is about limited/restricted or no liberty and forced labor.

              Do you seriously think, that is some company forced you at gunpoint to work for them while giving you $0.01 a day means it’s not slavery?

              Get over yourself…

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                It’s not slavery if you have a choice. So no, I’m not going to “get over myself.”

                Maybe you should learn what nuance is and stop polarizing every issue you come across.

                  • @[email protected]
                    02 months ago

                    So…. People should just give you things for free???

                    ROFL. Communism is hilarious.

                    Blocking you now. I have that freedom because I’m not a slave.
