00:43-01:57 Bring Correct Equipment

01:58-03:44 Use The Auto-Cannon

03:45-04:32 Exploit Weaknesses

04:33-05:46 Don’t Sleep On Gas

05:57-06:33 Use Stealth and Scout Armor

06:34-07:14 Manage Bot Drops

07:15-08:19 Stop Pulling Aggro Often

08:20-08:40 Dismantle Bots

08:41-09:17 Know When TO Use Laser

09:18-10:00 Stop Wasting Reinforcements

10:01-10:41 Coordinate Stratagems

  • @[email protected]
    211 months ago

    This approach made a huge difference. I went from hating playing against the bots to enjoying it more than the bugs. I also taught this approach to a newbie and he also found it far easier.