• Only 57 fossil fuels and cement producers have been responsible for most of the world’s CO2 emissions since 2016, according to the Carbon Majors report by InfluenceMap
  • Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, and Coal India were the top three CO2-emitting companies during this period.
  • InfluenceMap’s database aims to increase transparency around climate change contributors for legal, academic, campaign, and investor purposes.


  • @jeffw
    622 months ago

    This just in: few companies supply energy to our planet.

    This shouldn’t surprise anyone. These are massive conglomerates that will keep pumping as long as the demand exists

    • @[email protected]
      512 months ago

      These are massive conglomerates that will keep demand high by attacking alternative energy sources, funding climate denial, and engaging in sanctioned corruption.

      • @ChilledPeppers
        132 months ago

        And (artificially) lowering fossil fuel prices, if we tax the shit out of oil companies, people will start looking for alternatives.

    • hannes3120
      2 months ago

      Yeah - those headlines do more harm than good as people will just point fingers and think it’s enough to shut those companies down in order to fix climate change…

      As long as there’s demand other companies will step in and then instead of those few you have 10-20 supplying the same amount of oil with nothing gained

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        subsidy and investment on green energy are great ideas to cut the cycle. they could be doing that.

        instead we subsidy and invest in fossil fuels instead…