I can’t work on maths problems: by the time I key a calculation into my calculator I’ve forgotten what I was actually calculating.

When I open my phone to write an email, by the time I have the ‘new email’ screen open I’ve forgotten what I wanted to write and to whom.

When I go off looking for something in another room, I forget what I was looking for by the time I’ve entered it. I constantly mutter ‘What was I doing? What was I doing?’

This is so debilitating – I can’t live like this. What can I do?

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Try wearing ear plugs. At least the basic foam ones. It feels like I’m underwater, everything is slightly muffled and somehow, they help me focus tremendously. This is how I realized my difficulties focusing come mostly from my sound environment. Recently an autistic 3d modeler I follow on twitter (Jordan Cain) recommended a pair of ear plugs which apparently block select frequencies but let through the ones usually associated with speech, the idea being that you can wear them “socially”, and they won’t block conversation, just the noise around you. The brand is “Loop”, I ordered a pair, it’s yet to arrive. Good luck <3