• The Picard ManeuverOP
      174 months ago

      It’s supposed to be fantastic at hitting weak spots, especially for the automatons.

      I’ve not used it much because it feels less freedom-y than big explosions or flames.

    • RandomStickman
      64 months ago

      Someone I play with is trying out the AMR, especially after the damage buff recently. Did pretty well on the bots, granted we’re playing level 4-5

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      2 shot hulks to the face, most automatons with vents like tanks and turrets can be killed in 6ish shots, which is I think 1 short of a full mag. Doesn’t take a backpack slot, very long range.

      I find running it either as a stealth build w/jetpack/shield or with a Rover to clear trash quite fun. Harder to make work with bugs so bring lots of orbitals and strikes for chargers and bile titans.

    • @[email protected]
      44 months ago

      It basically does a lot of what the autocannon can do (minus closing holes / destroying factories) and doesn’t require losing your backpack slot. I love it

    • @formergijoe
      34 months ago

      Vs bots it’s amazing. 1 shots walkers if you hit their top leg joint. 1 shots devastators with a headshot and 2 shots with torso hits. 2 shots hulks with headshots. You have to hit turrets and tanks on the vent a few times to take them out, but I usually run a 110 rocket pod which almost always takes them out in 1 call-in.

      The only problem with the AMR is the sights feel off and you gotta Kentucky windage it a bit.

    • @Sylvartas
      33 months ago

      If you hate devastators and hulks, have decent aiming, and you are good at positioning and staying away from immediate danger it is amazing against bots