Bideneconomics at work.

  • @BunkerBuster
    56 months ago

    There you go putting words in my mouth again. Boy, you don’t know how to act.

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -66 months ago

      I’m just repeating what you said. Correct me where I’m wrong. The article is about inflation. You said.

      When this impacts my life, I’ll let you know

      • @BunkerBuster
        66 months ago

        I was talking about the DOW drop. Obviously. But you read into it in the worst way possible. You give my own words back to me and I STILL don’t see the word inflation in them.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -66 months ago

          The article is about both. Inflation is what caused the Dow to drop.

          • @BunkerBuster
            66 months ago

            You CAN read. Tell me again which word in my first comment was the word “inflation”

            • @BunkerBuster
              66 months ago

              No wonder this place is a god damned ghost town

            • @Dkarma
              -26 months ago

              Wow you’re fucking dumb. You never said inflation but you should have is his point .

              How are you this dumb???

              • NeuromancerOPM
                -36 months ago

                Be civil but yes, he should have seen the Dow dropped because of inflation. Inflation impacts poor people the most. It’s a serious concern as everything goes up in price and wages can’t keep up. The less money you have. The more inflation hurts.

                • Zeppo
                  06 months ago

                  Oh, so like how a regressive tax system like a flat national sales tax would work?

                  • NeuromancerOPM
                    -36 months ago

                    Nah. If you had read the article, you’d would have seen how that was avoided.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -66 months ago

              So you replied to an article about inflation with the comment you don’t care but you weren’t talking about it inflation. Gotcha. That makes no sense. Have a good day

              • @BunkerBuster
                66 months ago

                I commented on an article about the DOW dropping. It’s not a hard concept.

              • @BunkerBuster
                46 months ago

                If you want to have both sides of the argument, go ahead. Leave me out of it because despite being in violent agreement you’re hounding me, twisting my words into whatever you want them to be. I am the poor that is being hurt by inflation and I would rather every stock bottom out than for life to continue filled with this corporate greed.

                • NeuromancerOPM
                  -56 months ago

                  You don’t want stocks to drop if you have a pension or a 401k. That’s how those are funded.

                  It’s sounds like you want more regulations against corporations I’m not opposed to do for public companies. They’ve run rampant for years

                  • @BunkerBuster
                    36 months ago

                    Stop telling people what they do and don’t want. I don’t have a pension or 401K you’d know that if you were me but you are awful at being me. Please stop speaking for me.

                  • Zeppo
                    16 months ago

                    So rather than bitching at people about it and trying to make it political, go exchange your stocks for bonds. WOW that was hard to figure out. Maybe get a financial advisor.