The symptoms normally disappear after several days and there are no adverse health effects.

The cause of pine mouth has not been determined, but several researchers have indicated that a particular species and source of pine nut, Pinus armandii exported from the Shaanxi and Shanxi regions of China, may be responsible for causing the symptoms. This species of pine nut was previously only consumed locally and not widely exported for consumption as whole nuts.

  • Boozilla
    711 months ago

    That must have been a little scary.

    I’ve noticed an odd aftertaste from them, but nothing that lasted for days.

    • Deebster
      511 months ago

      If I hadn’t had found others saying it was the pine nuts then I’d be worried it was a brain tumour or something.

      It was reported it could last weeks or months, so I was happy enough with only five days.