oof / womp womp

  • @[email protected]OPM
    -53 months ago

    Those are mostly speculations, however I think it’s important to note that the healthcare system is overloaded due to over-regulation. Hence they want things like mask mandates to try to cope with healthcare mandates that already overloaded the system unnecessarily. The solution is to get rid of these mandates, not add more on to them, so that people can open more hospitals and create competitive healthcare offerings that increase the amount of hospitals and lower the amount of disease. So again, let’s assume masks do work: they could simply convince people to wear them, instead of mandating them. The lockdown mandates themselves impoverished the working classes and enriched the elites which would seem to lead to worse health outcomes for hard-working Americans: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/jan/17/world-10-richest-men-see-their-wealth-double-during-covid-pandemic

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      These are observable facts, not speculation. If you had spent the countless hours following the pandemic over the past three years like I did, you would know this.

      Also, trying to convince the American public to do anything mildly inconvenient that goes beyond their immediate self-interest for the sake of the wider community is the most laughably ineffective way of going about a public health crisis.

      • @[email protected]OPM
        -53 months ago


        well this might be good to think about. Since 99%+ of people recovered from covid and were ok, people thought it not in their self-interest to mask or “vaccinate”. Hence I do think people were acting with simple self-interest in avoiding these things. People might be more motivated to mask if they thought it in their self-interest, and then this in your view would help the wider community. That’s the ideal of some of “capitalism”, that self-interests can align with interests of the wider community. But a political system isn’t going to be sufficient for helping the wider community. However I do care about people who want to mask, which is why I suggested in a few places we could just go to separate places: people who want to mask can be at spots with other people masked, unmasked can go with unmasked. This would allow for diversity of opinion being accommodated over issues that are not in consensus.