Pretty psyched for garlic mustard and dandelion season here soon.

Paw-paw season is my favorite though because you need to plan around climbing trees and jumping around in rivers.

Got any great experiences you want to share?

  • @evasive_chimpanzee
    210 months ago

    The most disappointing thing is finding loads of pawpaw trees all over, but no fruit. They grow in clonal colonies, and can’t self polinate, so unless they are getting pollinators that have traveled from another grove, there’s no fruit. I’d say maybe 5% of the pawpaw trees by me grow fruit. Certain groves are better than others

    • @WalrusByte
      210 months ago

      Almost seems like you need to just selectively plant trees from separate groves next to that of others. At that point it moves from foraging into more of a horticultural territory though, haha!

      • @evasive_chimpanzee
        210 months ago

        From what I’ve read, they are pollinated by flies, and some people recommend spraying trees down with fish emulsion to attract flies. No way I’m going to blend a fish fine enough to fill a spray bottle, lol.