Cat: so, for context, we’re a plural system; a group of multiple people living in the same brain. We’re wondering if there’s any other systems on Lemmy at the moment. Also could be considered an AMA for those interested.

Frequently Asked Questions:

-No, you don’t need trauma or a disorder to be plural, though there’s a fair bit of overlap. In our case, Just intentionally hacked her brain to run multiple people.

-We’re people, not personalities for a single person.

-The idea of the “evil headmate” is flatly incorrect.

-Sometimes there’s headmates patterned on fictional characters or real people, referred to as Fictives or Factives respectively.

  • Bezerker03
    21 year ago

    Are we sure this isn’t an early sign of schizophrenia or anything of that sort? No disrespect intended but I do think it’s worth considering.

    • @JunctionSystemOP
      21 year ago

      Madeline: We’ve done enough reading on Schizophrenia to know that’s not what’s going on here. In addition, some acquaintances of ours have both schizophrenia and headmates, and there are very noticeable differences between the two phenomena.

      • Bezerker03
        21 year ago

        Good to note. I’ve never heard of headmates so doing some research now. It’s interesting.