I’ve just finally contracted it for the first time. I’m vaxxed and multiple-times-boosted, so it’s not that bad…

But it’s still pretty fucking miserable. Ugh. The paxlovid seems to be helping some, but in return it’s giving me the most horrendous taste in my mouth. Like a battery fucked a lemon in there.

What worked for you when you caught it, lemmings?

Edit: Holy cats, you guys came through! Thank you all for your various recommendations. The gist of it seems to be:

  • Definitely stay on the paxlovid (and use pineapple to deal with the awful taste in my mouth that’s a side-effect).
  • Rest. Fucking REST! Do not, under any circumstances, stop resting until it’s run its course. (Fortunately already doing that, since I’ve been feeling half-past dead.)
  • Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and mucinex are my dear, sweet friends. (I’m already a big fan of mucinex, so I have some already.)
  • Drink a lot of water. (I have a comically oversized cup I’ve been using for that.)

And I gotta say… Now, as the end of the day approaches, I think I might, just maybe, be feeling a tad better. Thank you all!

  • @[email protected]
    86 months ago

    Maybe this is part of Dutch culture, but both me and most people I know aren’t to big on taking any medication unless necessary. Doctors will also generally advice to just take some rest an dget better, unless there’s medicine that is really necessary.

    So idk, both times I just laid in bed feeling very tired and fucked up for a week, maybe took some paracetamol every now and then, and just waited for it to blow over. The second time I got it, which was during omicron, things did get a bit spooky. At some point I started struggling a bit with breathing. I noticed that I was getting tired just from breathing, so I told myself that of this stayed for too long or got worse I’d call a doctor. But luckily that didn’t happen, and it all got better again after a few days.

    For me the main focus was getting good rest and energy. Using (good) nose spray to make sure I could breathe well when sleeping, using paracetamol when sleeping, and eating and drinking enough even if I really didn’t want to. I also slept around 10-14 hours per day at the peak, just because I was super duper tired

    • RiverGhost
      36 months ago

      Same in Sweden, it’s understood that it’s going to suck and you’ll be uncomfortable but that it’ll pass. It’s a given for a lot of people here that it won’t be a problem to stop working while sick. Just rest and small comfort measures (for me, nose spray, ibuprofen if needed, sleeping and whining to myself).