The Israel that I meet every day is made up of people who want to forge a path towards peace and security for all

Since the beginning of the war, I’ve met Arab-Jewish civil society organisations that exemplify this spirit, providing assistance across diverse communities.

  • @blazera
    -711 months ago

    As soon as you said the word israeli its entirely about zionism. Thats it, thats israel, thats the only reason it exists

      • @blazera
        011 months ago

        Less than a third. The ones that arent are arabs that were already living there and are trying to not get targeted by israels killing spree. Israels first settlers were zionists, its expansion was zionist, its formation as a country was zionist, its appeal to the US for military aid has perpetually been zionist, its continued assaults and illegal settlements in neighboring countries are zionist. Its government is zionist, its military is zionist, every facet of israel hinges on “jews are divinely allotted this land in particular”

        • @disguy_ovahea
          411 months ago

          America was founded using genocide and slavery. Does that make all Americans genocidal slavers today?

          • @blazera
            111 months ago

            things arent going well when you’re tryin to justify your side by comparing them to colonial Americans. Yes America had a pretty awful founding. But the motivation for that founding wasn’t for an ethnostate, and the motivation did not persist through all of American history to the present day. Puritanism itself doesnt even exist anymore. America is still pretty awful tho and shouldnt be imitated or tolerated to invade other countries and blow up civilians.

            • @disguy_ovahea
              111 months ago

              I’m responding to a comment that likens the founding of Israel to the current Israeli people.

              It’s literally the same statement about another nation.

              • @blazera
                111 months ago

                No, I addressed the entire timeline of Israel’s zionist motivation.

      • @yesman
        -611 months ago

        There is no such thing as a non-Jewish Israeli citizens. Can an Arab “citizen” buy land anywhere they wish? Can an Arab “citizen” repatriate refugee relatives? Can an Arab “citizen” commemorate the Nakba free of government discrimination? Can a political party that advocates equal rights for Arabs seat members in the Knesset?

        You don’t get to celebrate diversity in an Apartheid State.

          • @yesman
            -211 months ago

            How you define Jewish is irrelevant. They are the only people with full Israeli citizenship. Israel has racist laws, discriminatory policy, and separate services, like schools. A non-Jew has fewer rights in Israel. You can obfuscate, but you can’t argue.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          around 27% of israel’s citizens are not jewish. they have the same rights jews have, so yes they can buy land wherever a jew can.
          there are 4 arab parties in the knesset.
          one of them was part of the 2022 government.