Drive we are so privacy focused here. What is to prevent myself or anybody out there, from starting to report individual instances of GDPR and CCPA.

No lemmy insurances are complying with national privacy laws and nobody is talking about it at all.

  • trouser_mouse
    2 years ago

    Totally agree, there is really valuable discussion to be had and collectively it needs to be resolved and approached holistically and consistently across as many instances as possible. Just because you’re someone running a tiny server doesn’t mean you can’t get absolutely dragged over the coals for breach and or non-compliance.

    Even things like reporting incidents and breaches of the service for each instance - it is very unlikely tiny servers can or will comply with so many aspects of GDPR.

    I think the fact that someone could maliciously (or actually, genuinely) report instances now using a relatively straightforward process should be grounds to get the wheels moving on this really!

    For example, you can report non-compliance with cookie information in a one page form here: The process for consumers to kick off a potentially serious enforceable action is very straightforward.